Key handover for the new Yaskawa factory hall in Allershausen, Germany

Key handover for the new Yaskawa factory hall in Allershausen, Germany

More space for large robot welding systems



With another new factory hall at the headquarters of the European Robotics Division in Allershausen, Yaskawa is creating even more space for system construction. The official key handover took place on November 16, 2023.
In less than six months, DIBAG Industriebau AG built the new building with 10,000 square meters of space on Yaskawastraße in Allershausen. It complements the two existing Yaskawa buildings there. The short planning and construction time was particularly possible due to DIBAG’s good cooperation and many years of experience in project development. The construction work was carried out by Goldbeck GmbH.
The board of directors of DIBAG Industriebau AG, Sebastian Kuhlen, as well as the head of the construction department, Hans-Peter Klumpp, were pleased with the flawless project progress and symbolically handed over the key to the new hall to Yaskawa Division Manager Robotics Rebecca Hammes and to Christian Dondl, Manager Operations. The incumbent mayor of Allershausen, Martin Vaas, also insisted on being personally present at the handover of the keys and congratulated on the expansion of the location: Yaskawa is contributing to the positive development of the region.

Center of European system construction: Yaskawa in Allershausen near Munich has been planning and implementing complete turnkey robot welding systems and systems for many user industries for around four decades. These typically include very large structures on which, for example, components several meters long for cranes, semi-trailers or agricultural machines are welded.

Through the expansion, Yaskawa underlines the strategic importance of system construction, which is to be expanded even further in the coming years: the goal is European market leadership in this area.


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