OPEN MIND Technologies AG

OPEN MIND Technologies AG

Über uns

OPEN MIND Technologies AG is one of the world’s leading developers of powerful CAD/CAM solutions for machine and controller-independent programming.
OPEN MIND develops optimized CAD/CAM solutions that include a large number of innovative and unique features that can deliver significantly higher performance in both programming and machining. hyperMILL® is a completely modular CAD/CAM solution that provides state-of-the-art CAM technologies on its own CAD platform: from 2.5D, 3D and 5-axis machining as well as turning strategies and solutions for additive manufacturing, HSC and HPC machining. Whether automation, simulation or virtual machine – trendsetting technologies expand the product range and enable continuous digital process chains. Special applications, the perfect interaction with all popular CAD solutions and a customer-oriented service complete the product range.
According to the “NC Market Analysis Report 2023” compiled by CIMdata, hyperMILL® is ranked in the top 4 CAD/CAM solutions worldwide. The innovative CAD/CAM technologies fulfil the highest demands in the automotive, tool and mold manufacturing, production machining, medical, job shops, energy, semiconductor and aerospace industries.
OPEN MIND’s majority stake in manufacturing execution system (MES) developer Hummingbird expands the CAD/CAM manufacturer’s product portfolio and enhances the range of connected digitalized manufacturing technologies.
OPEN MIND is a Mensch und Maschine company and has subsidiaries and qualified sales partners on all continents.




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