Camozzi Automation GmbH

Pneumatics in Transition: Smart through Digitalization

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The world of industrial automation is characterized by continuous change and innovation. In this dynamic environment, a reliable partnership is essential to achieve the decisive performance. In this context, Camozzi Automation has developed a particularly proven partnership with Hans E. Winkelmann GmbH, based not only on trust and efficiency, but also on common goals to take pneumatic drive technology to a new level through digitalization and innovation.

The role of pneumatics in automation:
Electric drive technology may offer high flexibility and efficiency, but pneumatic drive technology has proven to be a reliable and loyal companion in automation. The challenge is to spice up this proven technology and bring it into the era of digitalization. This is precisely where the partnership between Hans E. Winkelmann GmbH and Camozzi Automation comes in.

A smart cylinder project
Together, the two companies have implemented a pioneering project – the digitalization of a pneumatic cylinder. The idea was to combine proven pneumatics with the advantages of modern technology. The result is a smart cylinder project that not only offers efficiency and precision, but also paves the way for the future of pneumatic drive technology.


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