
Servicebuddy – Premium customer service from the cloud. For everyone. At any time.

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Our technical platform for comprehensive service, profitable after-sales and happy customers in mechanical engineering is called Servicebuddy. This allows us to quickly and reliably build your individual digital customer service:

• Manufacturer portals that allow you to keep an eye on your machines and systems in the field at all times.
• Customer portals that allow your users to help themselves and stay in permanent contact with you.
• Service apps that your users always have with them on their mobile phones as a daily tool and modern communication channel to you.
• Operational data monitoring that sends alarms as push messages, Teams messages, emails or SMS in the event of problems.
• Data archives that allow you to analyze operational data, usage behavior, consumption, etc. over time.
• Integration with third-party software for the smart merging of data and optimal processes.
• Branding with your logos and colors so that you can market the software as your own product from a single source.


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